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Battlefield: Bad Company 2

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 11:49 am
by MKE
OK, I started up the game last night, juuust starting.

Should I play the single player first or just jump into multiplayer?

Who else is playing this? Let me know, I'll try to find you.

As this is the first multiplayer game I'm trying, are there any tricks on the PS3?

More to come!

Re: Battlefield: Bad Company 2

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 11:54 am
by Zerocool
i suggest plying the single player's good training. as far as multiplayer...i like to choose the option "play with friends" then we can hook up.

Re: Battlefield: Bad Company 2

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 2:59 pm
by MKE
OK, can do. See you in 6 months.

Just kidding! :P

I'll bounce back and forth as I'm notorious for taking forever to finish games, but I'll get practice with SP.

Re: Battlefield: Bad Company 2

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 3:01 pm
by MKE
OK, tried multiplayer for the first time last Saturday night, pretty fun! I miss the ability to talk and be heard, but maybe I don't want to hear what people are saying haha.

I must admit I was a bit overwhelmed at first, the maps are pretty big, and the objectives a bit vague (especially when you don't read to understand what to do!), and the action a but frenetic, but it was fun. I especially liked riding my "jeeps of doom" as I christened them, since whenever I got on one I instantly careened out of control to my, well, doom.

It's got to get better in terms of survivability, and a few questions that I may answer myself with independent research, but in case I don't :)

1) How do you drop items, like med kits or ammo? I feel stupid asking but, I couldn't figure it out. I did throw a lot of grenades by mistake though!
2) How do you get the extra content? I put in the VIP code, but didn't see where to get the content.

Also, I'm rofreason on PSN, I guess I wish I could change that now, but everything is tied into it. Although if I do make the change to a 640 drive I can just start fresh I guess. Could I just load saved games to a new account.

I could just look these answers up myself, but I'm LAZY DAMMIT! ;) Plus I need to get some work done.


Re: Battlefield: Bad Company 2

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 11:43 am
by Zerocool
hey bro that was fun. you were also playing with top players as you had joined me. i suggest playing without your friends a bit so that you play with lower levels guys and you'll have a chance to breathe a bit out there. as far as talking, we can talk but it's only time i'll wear my headset (I use my bluetooth headset from my iphone). I was wondering why you weren't dropping medkits (i needed them a couple of times!) just push left or right on the dpad to access more stuff on every character- you may get a grenade launcher or's fun.regarding the name change- you'll have to google that as i can't be bothered to either!