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TF2 server in maintenance, time for Lead & Gold on Saturday!

Sat Jul 02, 2011 12:22 am

RH's TF2 server is going to be down, and sure, we can invade another server like we did tonight (Friday), but for Saturday, how about Lead & Gold!

A lot of us have it, and servers max out at 5v5 anyway. One problem: the game has no voice, and we LOVE our all talk.

Solution: get in mumble! Here's the info, for those who don't have it (most have it due to our TF2 competition scrims)
Earl wrote:I have a server set up. Just install the Mumble client,and then connect to (default port). Enter any nickname, and ignore the warning about the unsigned certificates (signed certificates cost $$$, and it doesn't really matter).

There IS a password, and since this is the general forum, I won't post it. Just IM any RH (like Earl or me) and I'm sure someone will tell you.

If you don't have a copy, I have one gift copy I bought during the sale, just in case! Otherwise, it's $10 from Steam.


Re: TF2 server in maintenance, time for Lead & Gold on Satur

Sat Jul 02, 2011 12:48 am also works as the mumble hostname now. 8)

Re: TF2 server in maintenance, time for Lead & Gold on Satur

Sat Jul 02, 2011 1:53 pm

I forgot I had a party to go to tonight, but I should still be back by around 10pm! Anyone with a good connection can host though, as listen servers work just fine as long as you don't have Alfire's connection.

Re: TF2 server in maintenance, time for Lead & Gold on Satur

Sun Jul 03, 2011 12:00 am

Since I wasn't here, we'll try again tomorrow, on Sunday @ 7:30pm! Pew pew!

Re: TF2 server in maintenance, time for Lead & Gold on Satur

Sun Jul 03, 2011 7:27 pm

Get in Mumble, jerks! Let's get back to the old west!
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