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 Post subject: Ye Olde Player Review!!! ...with New Reviews!!!
PostPosted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 9:42 pm 
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First Up!
Otherwise known as Z Jr...or Miss HK.

HKness is one of our newer members and if you have had the occasional ear bleed, you have played with or against HKness! His voice can almost hit the frequencies that only Dog's can hear though he can't quite get as high as Z315, but he gets close. His sounds of disappointment, when he dies (which IS often), is music to many a twisted soul's ears. :twisted:

One of his favorite quotes is: "RUN AWAY!". This can be annoying to his teammates, but he is NOT the only one to beat a hasty retreat...he is in good company in this with other players that will retreat in an attempt to find med packs or a medic in order to not die. (Cowards ALL!!! :2fer: ) However, one habit he does do, is give up on a map before it ends (granted only ~10 seconds or so) and he will switch class to Scout and attempt to run and hide...this is probably one of the reasons why the Admins like to abuse him... :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

In a survey of many players, most would pick HKness to be playing Medic and be pocketing Dane, Mythik or someone else playing Heavy. His medic play is probably his most improved area though he can be surprised and does not always watch his health bar or the health bar of the player he is pocketing.

Though he does play a lot of Medic the stats show he mostly plays Soldier. Also, HKness is probably one of our most improved players...when he first started playing here, it truly was a noob, but since that time, his play has improved and now he is ranked in 6th place overall...which I believe makes him the most improved player on the server.

His play time is divided like this:
Soldier: 80hrs 47mins for 26%
Pyro: 62hrs 41mins for 22%
Medic: 52hrs 16mins for 17%
Heavy: 43hrs 38mins for 14%
Demoman: 24hrs 50 mins for 8%
The other classes account for the last 13% of his playing time.

His favorite weapon is: Black Box.
He has 2858 Kills vs 672 Deaths with this weapon. This weapon accounts for 29% of his kills.
The top 5 soldiers, all stats considered are:

However, if you look at just their average KPH (kills per hour) they would be ranked different.
Heisenberg averages 94 KPH
d3v0t10n averages 72 KPH
flomu averages 63 KPH
Dane averages 44 KPH
HKness averages 35 KPH
Just based on this stat alone, he is NOT killing too many opponents per hour. Since most maps are done in 20 minutes, he is killing under 12 per map when he is a Soldier. It can be argued that the normal medics on the server tend to hug Dane's or Heisenberg's ass and it is hard to get healer to pocket with you. However he is nowhere near as accurate as the above mentioned players.

HKness is ranked in the top10 of nearly every weapon he uses and is ranked #1 in the Flare Gun.

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 Post subject: Re: Ye Olde Player Review!!! ...with New Reviews!!!
PostPosted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 4:24 pm 
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Joined: Fri Nov 04, 2011 4:06 pm
Posts: 19
Thx for the review Jinx! I need to improve on my aim more and get out of my tunnel vision....

Btw I blame the lag :D


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 Post subject: Re: Ye Olde Player Review!!! ...with New Reviews!!!
PostPosted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 6:52 pm 
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Joined: Mon Mar 13, 2006 9:31 pm
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Love this lol

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 Post subject: Re: Ye Olde Player Review!!! ...with New Reviews!!!
PostPosted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 3:32 pm 
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Joined: Sun Jun 27, 2010 5:00 pm
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I have decided to start a chain, so next up is

Jinxter has been around since the old days of Renegade Heroes, but continues the daily tradition of Monday Night Madness, Thursday Night Raw, Friday Night Fights. If there is one thing that can be said about jinxter, it is that he know how to enjoy his beer. While sitting in an empty server, he will send out a mass invite to EVERYONE who plays tf2 and at the same time grab a beer :drunkrene: . His deep-voiced laughter often makes players wonder whether he is destined to play the pyro :twisted: .

Jinxter has several signature phrases accumulated over his time at RH. When killing a medic or sentry in the instant you leave it unprotected,he will exclaim "No sentry for YOU" or No medic for YOU!". Perhaps one of Jinxter's most known phrases is that which you only hear when you die from being pissed on. As you see your urine-drenched body hits the floor, you hear Jinxter saying "die in PEEEEEE".His favorite map of all is most likely plr_hightower. For this is the home of Jinxter's famous ride: "Jinxter's Cliffdive of DEATH". And here is where we will find one of Jinxter's most famous lines, "Get OFF my cliff!" :evilfire: .

Based on his gameplay stats Jinxter will most likely be found playing the pyro that flames you from behind while you're wondering "how did he get past all of my teammates?" OR he may the engie with that mini sentry that just won't stop pestering you. However, his most improved area of play is in neither of those classes. It is in his use of the spycicle backstab. Frequently, he will be able to kill two or more of your teammates before you realize what has happened. He is quickly becoming "a leaf of the FROZEN BRANCH" -- a skilled user of the spycicle. Despite his successful use of the spycicle, he occasionally forgets that he also has a strong secondary pistol that can also be used to destroy his enemies. Jinxter joined the RH Highlander team several years back and gave a solid performance as a pyro. With a little improvement in pistol use, he will soon be able to take Earl's place as spy on the RH Highlander roster.

According to TF2stats, Jinxter's playtime is divided into

1)Pyro -- 512.3 hrs (27%)
2)Engineer -- 493.3 hrs (26%)
3)Heavy -- 172.1 hrs (9%)
4)Spy -- 171.5 hrs (9%)
5)Soldier -- 166 hrs(9%)
The other classes account for the remaining 20% of his playtime.

His favorite weapon is: the flamethrower. His K:D for this weapon is 2,288:169 accounting for 19% of his kills. According to class-specific server statistics, he is ranked 2nd in both pyro and spy. He is ranked as the top engineer on the server above MusicmanBJ, Devotion, and HKness. He always has a good sense of game objectives and will not hesitate to call out teammates that want to "RUN AWAY!"(HKness) :surrender: .

Jinxter is ranked 7th on the server top10 list. Invite him to play and he will be there at least until you leave. This guy doesn't rage, he laughs when he gets killed :rolllaugh:... possibly at how hard you are trying.
Thanks Jinxter for keeping the RH server a friendly and fun place for everyone.


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 Post subject: Re: Ye Olde Player Review!!! ...with New Reviews!!!
PostPosted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 3:36 pm 
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Joined: Fri Mar 24, 2006 8:26 pm
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Next Up is...........................................................

Chuuuuuw is an irrepressible Pyro player that takes full advantage of the maps so that she can wreak havoc with her favorite weapon: the Back Burner! She is very effective with this *cough, cough* (noobish weapon! I mean Al Fire chooses this as his main...THAT ALONE should be reason enough to use something else...but oh well...noobs will be noobs :2fer: :P :wink: ) weapon and even though she is listed only as the 2nd best with this weapon, her effectiveness with it (effectiveness = more kills (my review, deal with it 8) )) is better than Al Fire's with the Back Burner (who knew?) thoough Al gets more kills with his other Pyro weapons, which Chuuuuw barely uses (other than the melee ones). She doesn't always talk, but when she does, she is engaging, intelligent, funny with a hint of sarcasm (though no where near the sarcastic levels that Inischade is know for). Her voice is not as high as either Z315 or HKness, but then no one's is... All in all, she is very fun to play with/against. The only fault that she may have is that she has something called a "Real Life" and does not spend a lot of time on the server...though most won't understand this life choice, we can, as her friends, support her in this... :P :wink:

As a Pyro, she tends to play as an old-school PURE Pyro. She plays with nearly no airblasting of rockets, grenades, flares, or arrows. She only has a total of 5 Deflect Rocket kills. Though she will put out fires regularly and she has been known to airblast opposing players off a cliff every now and again. She has recently switched over from the noob-delight Back Burner to the Rainblower and her effectiveness in this weapon is even better than with the Back Burner :shock: . The weapon just came out and where she has 531 kills with the Back Burner, she has 223 kills with the Rainblower.

Chuuuuw has also been branching out a bit by playing quite a bit of Soldier, some Sniper and some Demoman. ...and here is a bit of a surpise. She has only played 4 hrs 56 mins of Soldier...yet her KPH in this class, using the classic Rocket Launcher, is: 51 KPH. This makes her more effective than both HKness and Dane who are top 5 ranked Soldiers. It is obvious by looking at the stats that if she played more on the server, she could easily make top 5 in both Pyro and Soldier.

Her play is divided by:
Pyro 17 hr 08 mins for 64% of her play time.
Soldier 4 hr 56 mins for 7%
Sniper 1 hr 36 mins for 6%
Demoman 1 hr 16 mins for 5%
with the other 18% divided between Medic, Engineer, and Scout
She has never played Spy or Heavy

Here is how she compares against the top 8 Pyros. Ranking are determined by time played and other factors. I have placed the KPH of these players to show what their hourly average is in killing opposing players.
1. gel - 64 KPH
2. Jinxter - 50 KPH
3. HKness - 38 KPH
4. Fubar - 53 KPH
5. Mythik - 84 KPH
6. Al Fire - 68 KPH
7. Ivan Dolvich - 18 KPH
8. Chuuuuw - 51 KPH

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 Post subject: Re: Ye Olde Player Review!!! ...with New Reviews!!!
PostPosted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 3:41 pm 
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Thanks for that Mythik...very cool...maybe other players would see fit to submit reviews of their own. I know I would be interested in reading them.

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 Post subject: Re: Ye Olde Player Review!!! ...with New Reviews!!!
PostPosted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 6:46 pm 
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Joined: Sun Jan 08, 2012 9:13 pm
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Actually, the top Soldiers by playtime (>24 hours) have KPH of:

DANE: 76.4
Heisenberg: 98.0
Hkness: 38.6
flomu: 63.1
d3votion: 71.6
MonikerEpsilon: 69.4
Mithyk: 82.6
Day Bad: 93.3
Keith Stone: 49.2
player: 43.4
Earl: 65.6

but dane certainly does perform like a 44, that looser


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 Post subject: Re: Ye Olde Player Review!!! ...with New Reviews!!!
PostPosted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 12:58 am 
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hmmmm...for Dane, I think I forgot to carry a 1...add a medic...yup, your right flomu...he is at 76 KPH...though without a medic, that number drops significantly...Hmmmm...might have to review some non-members as well. Though, flomu will be up soon... :twisted

One last thing flomu...and you are NOT the only one that does this, but it is a slight pet peeve of mine. Also, English is my 2nd language as well...

flomu wrote:
but dane certainly does perform like a 44, that looser

The word you want do use in your sentence is LOSER

Here is the definition of loose with the included adjective looser
loose (ls)
adj. loos·er, loos·est
1. Not fastened, restrained, or contained: loose bricks.
2. Not taut, fixed, or rigid: a loose anchor line; a loose chair leg.
3. Free from confinement or imprisonment; unfettered: criminals loose in the neighborhood; dogs that are loose on the streets.
4. Not tight-fitting or tightly fitted: loose shoes.
5. Not bound, bundled, stapled, or gathered together: loose papers.
6. Not compact or dense in arrangement or structure: loose gravel.
7. Lacking a sense of restraint or responsibility; idle: loose talk.
8. Not formal; relaxed: a loose atmosphere at the club.
9. Lacking conventional moral restraint in sexual behavior.
10. Not literal or exact: a loose translation.
11. Characterized by a free movement of fluids in the body: a loose cough; loose bowels.
In a loose manner.
v. loosed, loos·ing, loos·es
1. To let loose; release: loosed the dogs.
2. To make loose; undo: loosed his belt.
3. To cast loose; detach: hikers loosing their packs at camp.
4. To let fly; discharge: loosed an arrow.
5. To release pressure or obligation from; absolve: loosed her from the responsibility.
6. To make less strict; relax: a leader's strong authority that was loosed by easy times.
1. To become loose.
2. To discharge a missile; fire.
on the loose
1. At large; free.
2. Acting in an uninhibited fashion.
[Middle English louse, los, from Old Norse lauss; see leu- in Indo-European roots.]
loosely adv.
looseness n.
Synonyms: loose, lax, slack1
These adjectives mean not tautly bound, held, or fastened: loose reins; a lax rope; slack sails.
Antonym: tight

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 Post subject: Re: Ye Olde Player Review!!! ...with New Reviews!!!
PostPosted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 1:47 am 
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Joined: Fri Nov 04, 2011 4:06 pm
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Im learning so much english today :D


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 Post subject: Re: Ye Olde Player Review!!! ...with New Reviews!!!
PostPosted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 1:55 am 
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Joined: Sun Jan 08, 2012 9:13 pm
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I was actually trying to say a drawn out 'loser,' like in looooooser or something. But yeah, a lot of people make that mistake and it's really irritating.

I'd say "you're" --> "your" is the worst, though. People who do that and HK should quit playing TF2.



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 Post subject: Re: Ye Olde Player Review!!! ...with New Reviews!!!
PostPosted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 1:18 am 
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Yup, pocket medic does NOT mean you only heal one person. It means you default to a single person. If other people need heals, you should heal them first and then go back to healing your pocket. However, if you were to choose between your pocket and another teammate it comes to depend on the situation. In the end, you want to keep your pocket alive as long as possible.

Anyways.... this is a thread on player reviews. So, any more reviews? :D


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 Post subject: Re: Ye Olde Player Review!!! ...with New Reviews!!!
PostPosted: Thu Aug 16, 2012 12:47 pm 
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Joined: Tue Sep 27, 2011 1:32 pm
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Ha! This is a great thread. Oh HK, you truly are a delight.

My favorite HK quote is "Noooooooooooooooooooooo WHY!?"

Makes me giggle everytime.


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