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Learning to code

Wed Jul 03, 2013 2:46 pm

Every year or so I decide to teach myself something. I've decided I'd like to learn to code, more or less, from scratch.

A million years ago I could do stuff in Basic and even C but this was a milllllliiioon years ago.

So, what should I start with and why? I see stuff like python, JavaScript, CSS and html5. Which is a good jumping off point for getting into coding and which is actually useful?


Re: Learning to code

Wed Jul 03, 2013 5:17 pm

JS/CSS/HTML is the most useful, and easiest to get started with. Ctrl+Shift+J.

Re: Learning to code

Wed Jul 03, 2013 5:51 pm

I would second javascript, I personally think the language has a lot of flaws (not bugs, just language flaws) but hopefully they will get fixed over time and it is the standard for browser programming and actually making inroads to server side programming via a tool called node.js

Re: Learning to code

Sat Jul 06, 2013 8:44 am

www.codeacademy.com when you're ready to dive in.

Re: Learning to code

Tue Jul 09, 2013 10:09 am

Really depends on what you want to do with it, but if you're looking for front-end web development I'd reiterate what these guys have said: JavaScript, HTML and CSS. In addition to Say's link, here's another one a couple of people on my team use: http://www.codeschool.com/

Re: Learning to code

Tue Jul 09, 2013 3:34 pm

I've done the first round of Java Script classes on codeacademy.com, pretty cool and all review (conceptually). Variables, if/else, for loops, function declaration - not different than what I was doing 20 years ago in Basic really, just a different syntax. Gonna keep at it with the goal of making a simple web page that will:

a) let you connect your twitter account
b) generate a random tweet from one of several categories
c) tweet it for you

shouldn't be too hard (though it means navigating the oAuth and API of twitter)
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