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Warframe (space ninjas!)

Sat Jun 01, 2013 2:32 pm

It's in open beta on Steam (or on their main website, warframe.com).

Every day I see more RH and DANE join the fun, so I thought I'd mention it to folks who perhaps weren't familiar or saw friends playing but never took a look at what it is.

It's essentially a 4 player co-op game, set in the universe of Dark Sector, or what Dark Sector was supposed to be about till it got changed one too many times. You play as the Tenno, a race of space ninjas, basically. The universe has been taken over by two large factions: the Grineer (space miners) and the Corpus (high tech corporate guys). The Tenno are trying to fight back, now that they are out of cryostasis.

We have a clan (guild) in Warframe, under the name DANE, and in Warframe, it's becoming more and more important to be in a larger clan, so if you play, join us! Open invite to RH. We have a clan dojo, and we're building it out as fast as we can! We'll get that dueling arena built soon!

The game is in open beta, so it's constantly updated and changing, and this is no joke: I think the devs are the most open, sensible developers I've run across for any free to play game. They have weekly hot topics, give weekly developer updates, and listen to a ton of user feedback. It's shaping up quite nicely.

Add me if you're playing! I'm gell

More info:
Leveling in Warframe is interesting because they don't use skill trees. Your warframe is your class/abilities/armor. As you use it, you gain points to equip mods that affect how you play. Your weapons do the same. The more you use them, the more capability you have to upgrade them
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