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Hunter discussion

Wed Apr 05, 2006 10:22 am


PET INFO petopia

Pet talent calculator

Hunter links:

Hunter level 85 conversions:

120.109 Hit Rating = 1% Hit
179.29 Crit Rating = 1% Crit
128.057 Haste Rating = 1% Haste
179.28 Mastery Rating = 1 Mastery

Attack Power
14 AP (attack power) = 1 dps (auto-shot)

1 Agility = 2 AP
324.85 Agility = 1% crit
1 Agil = .55 Crit Rating

Global Cooldown
1 second
Hunter Stat Conversion to Pet
Pets Gain:
42.5% of hunter AP
100% of hunter hit as both hit and expertise (so if you are hit capped, your pet is hit and exp capped)
100% of hunter haste
100% of hunter crit

67% of hunter stamina
50% of hunter armor

72.5% of hunter stamina
60% of hunter armor

78% of hunter stamina
70% of hunter armo

Misdirection for dummies create a new macro like this:
#showtooltip Misdirection
/cast [nogroup, @pet] Misdirection; [@mouseover] Misdirection
/stopmacro [nogroup]
/script SendChatMessage("I have cast Misdirection on "..UnitName("mouseover")..", prepare to attack %t !", "RAID_WARNING")

I named it Misdirect, but you can name it anything EXCEPT Misdirection. you don't want the macro to have the same name as the spell.

what this macro does, is cast Misdirection on your pet if you are not in a group, or, if you are in a group it will cast it on your mouseover and announce it in the raid warning channel. you can use it as is, but it gets really nice if you combine it with clique.

install clique, set up one of your mouse buttons to cast the will now cast MD on whoever you click on making it very easy to switch MD targets when needed without having to change your macro every time. :thumbsup:

not all pets have the same duration or cooldown for the same abilities. typically, Tenacity pets have better versions and Ferocity pets have the worst versions. check petopia for specifics on each pet ability.
Ferocity, Cunning, Tenacity
Heroism: Core Hound
Kings/MotW: Shale Spider
Stamina: Silithid
+STR/AGI: Cat, Spirit Beast
+CRIT 5%: Devilsaur, Wolf

Reduce damage caused debuff: Carrion Bird, Bear
Cast speed slow debuff: Core Hound, Sporebat
Attack speed slow debuff: Fox, Tallstrider
+Bleed damage: Hyena, Boar, Rhino
Sunder Armor debuff: Raptor, Serpent
+Spell Damage taken debuff: Dragonhawk, Wind Serpent
+Physical Damage Taken debuff: Ravager, Worm

Root: Dog, Silithid, Spider, Crab
Stun: Wasp, Bat
Slow: Chimaera, Crocolisk, Warp Stalker
Blind: Monkey
Knockback: Rhino

Interrupt: Moth, Nether Ray, Gorilla
Disarm: Bird of Prey, Scorpid

Heal: Spirit Beast
AOE damage: Chimaera, Worm
Pet damage taken reduction: Beetle, Turtle
Last edited by Ashman on Mon Apr 06, 2009 11:55 am, edited 16 times in total.

Re: Hunter discussion

Wed Dec 02, 2009 6:53 pm

sick of your loud gun? check this out: ... encer.aspx

Re: Hunter discussion

Tue Oct 05, 2010 9:27 am

Nice improvement on the ice sphere macro, I'll change mine to match that tonight!

I use this sort of syntax on most of my spells at this point:

/cast [@mouseover,harm][] Serpent Sting

The MD macro is great because it allows me to just mouseover the GRID box for the person I want to MD and viola...

/cast [@mouseover,noharm][] Misdirection

The [] is important because it tells the macro to work normally (i.e. cast on your target) if the mouseover doesn't apply. The only downside I have on this is that I have to be careful of where my mouse is so I don't accidentally hit something unintentionally.

I suppose a good one for focus (which I think I'll try tonight) so I can switch focus easily is:

/focus [@mouseover][]

On a slightly unrelated note, this macro rocks on my warlock...

/cast [@mouseover,harm][] Seed of Corruption

It lets me cast seed of corruption on whole groups of mobs easily without having to target them.

Re: Hunter discussion

Fri Oct 08, 2010 1:49 pm

The Pet Short List

Here is a suggested list of the 12 pets that you should have in your stable to cover every raid buff type. This list assumes that you’d prefer ferocity over cunning, and cunning over tenacity — so that you always have the highest dps pet providing your buff. It also assumes that you’d prefer a non-exotic pet over an exotic pet, so you’ll have more flexibility in what spec to use.

Note that three buffs are only provided by exotic pets: the burst haste (heroism), stamina (fortitude), and 5% stats (kings/motw).

* Cat (str/agil)
* Corehound – exotic (burst haste & cast speed reduction)
* Silithid – exotic (health)
* Wolf (crit)
* Shale Spider – exotic (5% stats)
* Raptor (armor debuff)
* Bear (physical damage caused debuff)
* Hyena (bleed damage)
* Sporebat (cast speed reduction)
* Tallstrider (attack speed slow)
* Ravager (physical damage vulnerability)
* Dragonhawk or Wind Serpent (spell damage taken)

Re: Hunter discussion

Fri Oct 08, 2010 2:43 pm

Shaddoch wrote:Thanks, Ash. Will burst haste share a cooldown with shammy haste, or can one be used immediately after the other? Or will they stack? As long as they don't share a cooldown, and depending on where BM dps shakes out, it might be worth having at least one BM hunter in a raid.

all of these buffs/debuffs are exactly the same as the corresponding class buffs/debuffs, and share the same restrictions.
in the specific case you are talking about, the corehound buff is the same as heroism or time warp (the mage version) and share the same cooldown.

basically, the pets won't bring any unique buffs, but will be able to fill in for any the raid might be missing.

Re: Hunter discussion

Tue Jan 04, 2011 3:56 pm

Dear fellow Hunters,

Turn on one of your aspects > Press Camouflage > Before the global cooldown runs out select another aspect.

No need to thank me.

Re: Hunter discussion

Thu Jan 06, 2011 11:46 am

I added a list of pets by ability to the end of the first post. hopefully that will help you find the pet you want that brings the ability you are looking for.

Re: Hunter discussion

Wed Jan 12, 2011 9:16 am

4.0.6 PTR patch notes
* Cobra shot cast time is now affected by haste.
* Concussive Shot duration has been increased to 6 seconds, up from 4.
* Freezing Trap now has a PvP duration of 8 seconds.
* Master's Call now has a 35-second cooldown, down from 1 minute, and its range has been increased to 40 yards, up from 25. In addition, the visual effect is more obvious.
* Steady Shot cast time is now affected by haste.
* Wing Clip now has a PvP duration of 8 seconds.


* Wild Quiver (Mastery): Chance for this to trigger per mastery has been increased by approximately 17%.


* Black Arrow damage has been reduced by 25%.
* Explosive Shot damage has been reduced by 25%.
* Hunter vs. Wild has been increased to 5/10/15% Stamina, up from 4/8/12%.
* Serpent Spread can now only affect up to 4 targets per Multi-Shot, down from unlimited.


* Glyph of Concussive Shot redesigned. It now limits the maximum run speed of the target while Concussive Shot is active.

Bug Fixes

* Cobra Shot now properly increases the duration of the Serpent Spread Serpent Sting.

Cobra and Steady are already effected by haste, so I'm anxious to see exactly what that change means. there is a blue post saying this note was somewhat misleading, but that haste would be a very good stat for us. I guess it will be 'more' effective?
supposedly this change will give a dramatic improvement to hunter damage, which is why the SV nerfs are there (since SV doesn't need buffs).

Conc shot lasts for 6 sec with a 5 sec cooldown? thats pretty sweet.

thank god for the Master's Call range change! it was so annoying to try and use when 80% of the time your pet was out of range. btw, if you are not using this ability, get it on your bars! it's awesome, and can be used on other friendly targets if needed!

I hope the SV nerfs don't hurt us too much. now that I've tried the SV rotation, I have no desire to go back to MM. being locked into 2 steadies in a row was a royal pain and I don't look forward to doing that again.

Re: Hunter discussion

Thu Jan 13, 2011 10:16 am

* Aimed Shot weapon damage has been increased to 200%, up from 150%. In addition, the base cast time has been reduced to 2.4 seconds, down from 3.
* Arcane Shot damage has been increased by 15%.
* Hunters can now use Auto Shot while moving.
* Cobra Shot change reverted (waiting on code change to make haste scaling more consistent with spell haste)
* Steady Shot change reverted (waiting on code change to make haste scaling more consistent with spell haste)

Beast Mastery

* Animal Handler now provides a passive 25% bonus to attack power, up from 15%.


* Chimera Shot's overall damage has been increased by roughly 50%.


* Black Arrow damage has been reduced by 15%. (down from 25%)
* Explosive Shot damage has been reduced by 15%. (down from 25%)
* Serpent Spread change reverted

auto shot while moving!! holy crap. I don't know if I like that or hate it. it will make movement fights a ton less punishing, but on the other hand, look for hunters to auto shot pull a lot more. :( there are plenty of times when I managed to keep from pulling by jumping, or just walking backwards a touch when a target dies, now that won't stop us anymore. they really need to stop our auto target switching. :evil:

looks like they are still giving BM and MM more buffs. good to see, because they needed it big time. the SV nerfs are a bit smaller too, and thank god they reverted the serpent spread change!

Re: Hunter discussion

Tue Jan 25, 2011 10:23 am

pets are already tanking regular instances: ... s-tot-hoo/

he managed to hold aggro on a single target against a warrior doing 17k dps, and kill command is getting buffed next patch, so this sounds like a fun way to do some instances. 8)
at the end, he mentions that he's tanked a few heroic bosses as well.

Re: Hunter discussion

Fri Mar 25, 2011 3:15 pm


* Freezing Trap - Only one target can be Freezing Trapped at a time.

I hope they revert this change before it goes live. being able to CC more than one target is one of the iconic things about being a hunter. further, the whole reason they made it this way in the first place is because you have to lay traps down ahead of time and if something triggers it, you would lose your original CC.
players used to exploit this in pvp. trap the healer and lay another for when he pops? np, the melee just runs over, triggers the trap, releasing the healer, then the healer dispels the melee. :no:

Re: Hunter discussion

Fri Mar 25, 2011 3:35 pm

I'm meh about this one. I can count on one finger the number of times I've trapped more than one target. I usually trap one and sting the other one. Being able to trap two and sting one seems a bit OP.

Re: Hunter discussion

Fri Mar 25, 2011 7:42 pm

Shaddoch wrote:I'm meh about this one. I can count on one finger the number of times I've trapped more than one target. I usually trap one and sting the other one. Being able to trap two and sting one seems a bit OP.

true, I don't have to do it often, but its nice to have, and will really suck when you've got a pre-trap ready to go and something thats immune triggers it, thereby releasing the caster you've got cc'd.

Re: Hunter discussion

Wed Jun 01, 2011 8:50 pm

bump for beej. the end of the first post lists pets by buff type.

Re: Hunter discussion

Sat Jun 04, 2011 4:43 pm

Cheers Ash!!

Re: Hunter discussion

Mon Jan 09, 2012 9:12 am

a few nice buffs for the 4.3.2 patch:
Aspect of the Hawk now grants roughly 35% more attack power.
Deterrence now also reduces damage taken by 30% while active.
Black Arrow now ticks every 2 seconds for 20 seconds, as opposed to every 3 seconds for 15 seconds. The total damage dealt by the ability is unchanged.
Lock and Load no longer benefits Arcane Shot, nor is it consumed by Arcane Shot.

the deterrence change is a great one! there are plenty of situations where deterrence doesn't block the damage (aoe effects typically), so now at least we'll get a 30% reduction on that damage. hello elementium bolt!

the L&L change is fantastic too. since low level SV hunters get explosive shot, there is no need for it to work with Arcane, which means that you can now use Arcane freely as a filler without consuming the buff. ExS, AS, ExS, AS, ExS should make for a powerful bit of burst.

Re: Hunter discussion

Wed Oct 10, 2012 2:37 pm

So, what are the thoughts on Hunters in MoP for leveling or instances? I went BM for leveling, and have a little macro for Bestial Wrath and Blink, with Kill Command just a click awawy. Mobs are usually around 50% before I even get a shot off.

I went with this setup for leveling:
15: Posthaste
30: Wyvern Sting
45: Spirit Bond
60: Fervor (might switch this to Dire Beast)
75: Blink Strike

Re: Hunter discussion

Wed Oct 10, 2012 4:21 pm

I played Survival for a bit with the new talents before MoP came out and am levelling as BM right now on my hunter. I think I'm going to like Survival more and will probably switch once I hit level 90. I took Thrill of the Hunt at level 60, but really, it's whatever you enjoy. On a side note, my favourite minor glyph is Stampede. Nothing beats seeing five golden worms attacking an elite :D
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