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New Player Experience

Mon Jun 01, 2015 8:03 am

Hello, I was wondering what the current new player experience for WoW was currently like. I've found myself recently interested in getting invested in the game but am hesitant because I'm worried that like a number of other seasoned mmo's that current game is really just endgame. Will I be able to find pug's for low level group content, instances/raids/etc? Or is it more of a case of rush to max level and start challenging group play from there?

Ideally I'd like the closest experience possible to having played and grown with the game. Playing content in order, spending time to "master" content before moving on to the next level. Is this currently possible or will it be very difficult to find groups along the way?


Re: New Player Experience

Mon Jun 01, 2015 8:43 am

In my experience, you will find a lot of experienced players leveling alts (second, third, fourth characters). Some zones will, indeed, be damn empty. But not all. The PUG system is world wide, so it doesnt matter what server you're on, you can group with people from around the world.

There are three types of characters in instances - tanks (damage absorbers), healers and damage dealers. Healers and Tanks will EASILY find PUGs as they are in short supply. If I were starting now, I'd level a druid. You can solo quest as a DPS class and tank in instances, giving you lots of versatility. Druids can also heal (the only class that can do all three, I think)

You can also level to 20 WITHOUT buying a game subscription so that might be attractive?

Re: New Player Experience

Tue Jun 02, 2015 1:20 am

It's up to you how much you want to immerse yourself in the game. There are thousands of quests to read through and epic storylines to complete. That will also put you on a path to explore every corner of the game. No one can touch the sheer number of "easter eggs", tributes and lore that WoW has, so you'll love this game if you enjoy trivia and lore.

Nothing is going to provide you a challenge during the levelling process. The old content that used to be difficult is all easy to solo. Finding groups is the easiest it's ever been in the game. However, group content will be made easier to conquer because the players with alts will have special gear to make those alts very powerful. Those players generally want to get from start to finish in a short amount of time and move on to the next group. However, you will always be able to find groups at any level.

To master your class, that really is going to come to you much later in your levelling experience. You don't get all of your spells at once, so you learn new ones as you level up and all the way to level 100. Also, the questing zones aren't always linear to your levelling experience. You will have choices to make about where you want to quest. For example, you could level mostly in Kalimdor or you could mostly level in the Eastern Kingdoms. To do both on one character means that you will far surpass the level recommendation of that zone.

In short, the social aspect for low level content is thriving, the content is absolutely worth it and you'll learn about mastering your class later in your levelling experience.

Re: New Player Experience

Tue Jun 02, 2015 10:05 pm

Well, subbed, that was fast. You were right, there is tons to read, tons of Easter eggs. My memory of Warcraft 3 isn't the greatest, but seeing things from Hearthstone, Hogger in particular so far is pretty neat. Lt. Horatio Laine I think is what won me over so quick though.

Hopefully see y'all in there.

Re: New Player Experience

Wed Jun 24, 2015 3:02 pm

Most of us play on the Uldum server btw, in case you didn't see that in another thread somewhere - there is cross server functionality, but only for your battlegroup I believe (it's been a while), so I'd advise making your characters there if you didn't already.
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