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time for healers to stack crit?

Wed May 11, 2011 8:53 am

4.2 change:

* All healing critical strikes now heal for 2 times a normal heal (+100%), up from 1.5 times a normal heal (+50%).

Re: time for healers to stack crit?

Thu May 12, 2011 9:02 am

Well, we'll have to see how the numbers play out and it depends on class, but a quick guess would be that int still wins first. and mastery might get pushed to last.

Shamans and getting mana tide totem nerfed so regen will be important. For priests thats spirit but that may mean crit for shaman.

Anyway the real question is haste versus crit. I would expect crit to be important to a certain level but then haste for the throughput.

I am sure some people will regem and stack crit across the board over everything including int.. I love to see the numbers but I doubt Blizz intended that - therefore - if it does I would expect them to mess with it.


Re: time for healers to stack crit?

Thu May 12, 2011 9:46 am

For Disc priests (my new project if you want to call it that, just hit 85) in 4.1 crit=mastery. Haste is actually pretty far behind. Crit isn't really important due to the bigger heals, but more that it puts an extra shield on the recipient.

I don't think it will change much for me. Make sure spirit is on your gear, don't reforge out of crit or mastery, and convert haste to either crit or mastery depending on what is missing.

For pallies, haste still wins for throughput, but with the nerfs (large increase in mana cost, about 1k per spell) mastery actually bumps up a bit (better HPM). Crit was generally the next best after haste, and probably will remain so.

Re: time for healers to stack crit?

Fri May 13, 2011 1:02 pm

Currently for Disc haste is huge in 10 mans. We don't bubble shield the raid anymore (which would be why we max mastery) but have to have that haste boost for prayer of healing, smite, and penance. If your not using those heals then no need for disc in 10s. Make sure you check which raid size you are studying stats for as well as if your tank healing or raid healing. Because for 25's mastery disc is tops with crit or haste not very important unless your job is tank heals. I am glad crit is making a comeback in 4.2

Re: time for healers to stack crit?

Fri May 13, 2011 7:05 pm

Whimsie wrote:Currently for Disc haste is huge in 10 mans. We don't bubble shield the raid anymore (which would be why we max mastery) but have to have that haste boost for prayer of healing, smite, and penance. If your not using those heals then no need for disc in 10s. Make sure you check which raid size you are studying stats for as well as if your tank healing or raid healing. Because for 25's mastery disc is tops with crit or haste not very important unless your job is tank heals. I am glad crit is making a comeback in 4.2

The one I was looking at was updated for 4.1 (elitest jerks I think). They basically said haste is better than mastery, or or vice versa depending on your healing style. I use all the spells you mentioned above, but I haven't done anything resembling a raid environment. Sifting the junk that can sometimes be EJ, Whims is right. Mastery will be better under seemingly very restrictive circumstances, while haste will help with, well pretty much every thing.

There are probably softcaps for both, I just have to find out what they are and gear/reforge accordingly.

edit: the mastery soft cap is based off your DA procs while saying you want 20% of the persons life as a shield using 0.3*1+(mastery/100) = DA% as the formula. So for tank healing you could really stack mastery for your DA procs (you will need less with 4.2 due to bigger crits). Even then I think you can make the arguments for haste being better. Meh I am more confused now than ever :?

Re: time for healers to stack crit?

Fri May 13, 2011 10:08 pm

I think the only reason they are increasing is the health of the tank is getting higher and higher.

Quite frankly it doesn't surprise me. Pallies are getting a slight nerf but the gear will have more spirit on it.
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